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Luftaufnahme der Kreuzung

Live the Change


Good communication builds the bridge to success when changes give rise to resistance. 

I build communicative bridges between the familiar and the unknown, between management and staff, between cultures, and between external consulting and internal corporate reality.

I focus on stemming the flood of information being passed to your employees, and communicating the issues relevant at each point in time to the applicable target groups. I also advocate setting up communication platforms where employees can obtain more information, exchange opinions, and network.

My goals when communicating change: I want the employees to know what is going on, where the journey is headed and what it all means for them personally. I motivate them to take an active part in the changes.

In situations of crisis, I ensure that all internal and external stakeholders are addressed with the same core messages. I also stand for the highest possible level of transparency towards employees. Because they are who keep the business running. 

I've got your back and help you achieve your goals.

I, Nadine Braun, consider myself part of your team – as a strategic advisor, creative mind, voice of experience, pillar to lean on and firefighter. I have worked more than twenty years at communication agencies and in communications at global companies. I have experience with restructurings, site closures, acquisitions and IT launches in Europe, USA, China, Japan and Korea.


I build communicative bridges.


In my blog I share my thoughts and experiences on the topic of communication.

Let's find out how I can help, in a personal chat with no commitment for you.

I look forward to your email!

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