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Change Communications


"Poor communication kills change management," says the consulting company Mutaree. Because "only 38 % of staff feel well integrated into change projects." There are usually three reasons for the weak communication: 1. The management isn't aware how important communication is to the implementation of change; 2. Management, staff and consultants lack experience in communicating change; and 3. There are insufficient resources to adequately do the communication throughout the whole term of all change projects.

Only people who know what they are working on can make a contribution to it.

Motivating & delegating 

I love change. I want to alleviate other people's fear of the unknown through successful communication in change projects, and motivate them to take an active part in the change. For me, this is the key to the success of change processes: the key target groups not only have to be motivated to play their part, they also have to be given some freedoms in doing so.


Many change projects don't achieve their goals because they aren't pursued all the way to the end. If the management loses its focus on change management, only those people who have personally invested in the change project remain on the ball.

In my opinion, communications makes a key contribution to the success of change projects, by

  • Creating analog and digital opportunities for the target groups to get involved in the change process,

  • Giving the involved groups freedoms to act and motivating them to do so autonomously,

  • Communicating and showing appreciation for the successes, and drawing the management's attention to them,

  • Helping executives utilize new digital formats.


My Services


situational analysis, stakeholder mapping, identifying success factors, preparing best and worst-case scenarios


target group-specific storylines, core messages, Q&As, speeches, and texts for various analog and digital media


preparing, holding and moderating in-person and virtual events


communication strategies, including measures and action plans tailored to specific target groups


and advising executives and project managers, including preparing briefing documents


the communication measures and teams as part of the project management office

Communication Channels

design and implementation of digital and analog communication channels that are specially suited to the project


the communication with key internal stakeholders, such as the management and supervisory boards, staff council and involved departments, regions and plants

Are you facing one or more of the following challenges?

  • Management change

  • Cultural transformation

  • Adjustment of strategy

  • Development of new or spin-off of existing business areas

  • Mergers & acquisitions

  • Change in organizational structures
    (job grading, performance management) 

  • Digitization & process optimization
    (agile project management, Microsoft 365, Industry 4.0, lean management, new IT systems)

  • Medium-term improvement offensives with a focus on cost savings, quality, safety, health, innovation, or sustainability

Let's find out how I can help, in a personal chat with no commitment for you.

I look forward to your email!

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