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Crisis & Issues Communications


Pandemics, recalls, factory closures, redundancies, accidents, security breaches and compliance violations – there are some crisis situations that you can be prepared for – but for others you can't. And sometimes things happen in a way you hadn't envisioned. Then you have to react quickly and flexibly because communication has a decisive effect on how a company survives a crisis.


When it comes to prevention and acute crises, the focus of communication often lies on external target groups such as media, consumers, and partners. But well-conceived internal communications are critical so that the daily business continues running smoothly, specialists don't lose faith in the company and official external statements are not put into question by unofficial internal sources. Because then the company's reputation suffers.

The trick is to be prepared for everything and then not need any of it.

Generate transparency &
retain integrity

In the field of crisis communications, it is important to me to create as much transparency as possible and uphold the company's integrity. Corporate goals need to be explained without losing sight of the company values or individual fates. Because things have to happen fast in a crisis, I help you quickly and flexibly, but it would of course be even better to prepare communication of possible issues in advance together.

My Services


advising on the prevention of (communication) crises, including worst and best-case scenarios and recommended actions for each

Communication Channels

designing and creating additional, temporary, special-purpose communication channels


and training executives and project managers, including preparing briefing documents

Works Council Negotiations

communicative preparation and support


internal emergency communication plans, communication cascades, official messaging, and training designated speakers

One Voice

dovetailing internal, external, and sales-oriented communication in a crisis


preparing, holding, and moderating local and virtual events


communication measures as part of the crisis team


target group-specific storylines, core messages, Q&As, speeches, and text blocks for various analog and digital media


global crisis communications to regional and cultural demands

Let's find out how I can help, in a personal chat with no commitment for you.

I look forward to your email!

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